Test description:

In this A/B test we want to increase the conversion rate of visitors who sign up for one of our courses. We believe that there might be friction for the user when they land on a page that does not provide them with enough information, thereby, not encouraging them to directly from thi page.

On the page, the user does not immediately see information about the two programs they can select from and must scroll toward the end of the page to read this. On average, people don’t scroll more than 50% of the page and this course information is below this.


We don’t want users to have to go to a second landing page to fill out details and it's better to keep them on the same page where all the information and details are. To keep them on the page we can add an on-page form and push the course information up higher on the page.

Conversion rates:

We will look at our CVR for people completing the sign up form and submitting it. If more people complete the form we should see an improvement in course sign ups.

Review of test results

After reviewing test results (positive or negative) my next steps to consider would be: